When I was a little girl, I remember playing in my parents bedroom and being mesmerized at the huge trunk at the foot of their bed. As I got older, I asked my mom what was inside. When she told me, it was better than I could have ever imagined. Hundreds of love letters between her and my dad lined the bottom. Along with the letters were my first ballet shoes, a stuffed animal from when her and my dad were dating, pictures of my sister and I from when we were babies and special gifts that my mom had kept sacred over the years. It was magical. Like you were opening up a real life story book.That is why I started The Southern Trunk.I wanted to share with you not only what is in my trunk, but what is in the trunk of others.Sometimes a trunk comes in the form of pictures and images that capture special memories and moments that slip away too quickly. Or sometimes it comes in the form of a trunk stamped with all your travels and experiences in growing and going somewhere new.The Southern Trunk highlights:Special images and photographyTravels and adventuresHospitality and that southern charm we all love so muchMaking a house a homeTrunk shows that spotlight the gifts and products of vendors and speciality shopsThrifting and finding those treasures that tell a bigger storyThe beauty of growth and truth just like a tree trunkand of course... All things that make the south shine.The great things in life are not always the extraordinary or extravagant. They are the everyday blessings around us. The things that make us who we are and tell a greater story than our own.I hope that as you read and explore The Southern Trunk that you are inspired and see the blessings that are all around you in every day life.