Every year since we have been married, Ian and I have enjoyed hosting a small Christmas party at our house. We usually require for everyone to dress up some how and this year we thought we would bring back the Tacky Christmas Sweaters.Since we don't do a white elephant or ornament exchange we create a small area upstairs to do a photo booth. In the two years we've done it, it has not failed to bring lots of laughs and holiday cheer out of everyone.This year. We took two hideously awesome green chairs from the Goodwill as our seating. Since we didn't want to spend a lot of money, we bought rolls of brown packaging paper from the Dollar Store and hung it in strips all across the back wall. Ian hung old vintage lights from my Grandma's Christmas tree across the paper and we had the perfect vintage set up.The props were all random items we either had in our house or things we borrowed from my mother-in-laws drama prop closet. We also added a Shake Weight this year, which is a hilarious joke between our group of friends and a white elephant gift from a Christmas party in the past.Here are some pictures of the set up and from the actually party photo booth.Have a fabulous day!